BESA History

The Besa Story

BESA GmbH was founded as MEGIS Software GmbH in 1995 by Dr. Michael Scherg. It is a leading company in the field of EEG/MEG analysis and a home base for highly skilled people.
Our products have been developed on the basis of 30 years’ experience in human brain research. BESA provides state-of-the-art scientific analysis tools covering the complete range of neurophysiological applications.
We strive to bring you the latest methods for advanced EEG and MEG analysis in a user – friendly and optimized implementation.


1989 - 1991
Launch of first BESA DOS software for source analysis of evoked potentials. First BESA workshops in New York, Munich and San Diego are held.
1995 - 1996
MEGIS Software GmbH is founded by Dr. Michael Scherg. MEGIS introduces easy-to-use digital EEG software under Windows®.
1997 - 1998
EEGFocus software is pioneering whole head mapping (2D), source montages, fast pattern search and ERP processing.
1999 - 2000
BESA 99 is the first software under Windows® combining source analysis and all features of EEG Focus with a new Source Modeling module.
2001 - 2002
Launch of BESA 4.0 with individual MRI and the first whole head 3D maps.
2000 - 2003
MEGIS introduces the first Source Coherence module and the first Multiple Source Beamformer.
2005 - 2008
BESA Research software is continuously expanded with more imaging methods and user-friendly features like batch processing.
2009 - 2010
MEGIS launches its first clinical software product BESA Epilepsy. MEGIS introduces the new, user-friendly software BESA MRI. MEGIS Software GmbH is renamed to BESA GmbH.
2011 - 2012
BESA remains a family business:  Dr. Tobias Scherg steps in to succeed Dr. Michael Scherg. BESA launches the new software BESA Statistics to supplement BESA Research. BESA Systems is started as a new business unit.
2013 - 2015
Strategic decision to modernize all BESA Products (Multi-OS, 64 bit, new GUI) BESA expanded its collaboration and distribution network. BESA Systems acquires first long term order.
2015 - Now
BESA receives funding from the Horizon2020 Framework for the ChildBrain project.
BESA Systems partners with 2 more companies.