While Santa went back to Lapland to enter his well-deserved 11-month break, others were busy: In the last few weeks, several publications with participation of BESA employees appeared, in different scientific fields:
In the newly published paper “Sensitivity of a 29-Channel MEG Source Montage”, Nenonen et al. investigated the performance of source montages in the visual review of epileptic discharges in MEG data. Using simulated data, they found that “the 29-channel source montage creates more focal signals compared to the sensor space and can significantly shorten the detection time of epileptiform MEG discharges for focus localization”. (Brain Sci. 12, 105 (2022))
Wagner et al. investigated “Acoustic-level and language-specific processing of native and non-native phonological sequence onsets in the low gamma and theta-frequency bands”. Participants listened to different word onset sounds, of which not all occur in their native language. Using time-frequency analysis on source level they showed language‑specific processing in low gamma, and acoustic‑level and language‑specific processing in theta, supporting the view that multi scale temporal processing in the low gamma and theta‑frequency bands facilitates speech perception. (Sci Rep 12, 314 (2022)).
Foged et al. show in their paper “Learn to interpret voltage maps: an atlas of topographies” how to correctly interpret surface voltage maps in order to localize the underlying generators. The educational review paper addresses the learning objective “1.4.4 Interpret topographic (voltage) maps” of the ILAE curriculum. The authors state that “using a didactic approach, we explain how to read voltage maps and provide an atlas of voltage maps.” (Epileptic Disorders. [Epub ahead of print]).
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