Blog Archives

BESA MRI 3.0 released

BESA MRI 3.0 is a feature release with several important innvovations to enhance and improve your data analysis and results review. The main … [more]

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New versions of BESA Simulator and BESA Plot

There are new versions of our free utilities BESA Simulator and BESA Plot that can be downloaded here: BESA Simulator, version 1.4.10: … [more]

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Is it 25 years of BESA already? Yes, and we thank you with a special offer!

Surely not that much time has passed since BESA was born? Well, if this is 2020, then yes it has! In its infancy, … [more]

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Upcoming BESA Research releases loaded with new features!

We already mentioned in a previous newsletter that the release of BESA MRI 3.0 is just round the corner (cf. However, this … [more]

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Corona and your research with BESA software

Almost everyone is now affected by COVID-19 in some way. Of course, we at BESA are no exception. The BESA main office is … [more]

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End of life for BESA Research 6.1

Time to say goodbye to BESA Research 6.1. This version of the Research family, first released in November 2015, will reach the end … [more]

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New prices from May 2020 – last chance to upgrade your BESA Research 5.3 version!

From May 2020, a new price list will come into place. After prices for BESA Research products have remained stable for several years, … [more]

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BESA Connectivity 1.0 November 2019 released

BESA Connectivity 1.0 November 2019 is a maintenance release. Apart from bug fixes, it also features some highly useful improvements. Highlights include: All … [more]

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Marking twenty years of BESA 99

Time-warp back twenty years: By most people, the year 1999 is perceived mainly as the ramp-up to the year 2000, or the Y2K … [more]

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Double bonus: Pre-order BESA MRI 3.0 at old price and secure 20% discount on all other BESA products

The 2010s or “tweenies” will soon be history, and we will move on to the unknown exciting pastures of the twenties! To celebrate … [more]

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