Blog Archives

BESA conference schedule updated

BESA will be present at many international conferences this year. In fact, this year will top the previous ones since we have added … [more]

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Join our free BESA Research webinar

BESA will host a webinar to live-demo the latest features that were added for the BESA Research 7.0 release this year. The webinar … [more]

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Year-End Special: Get Connectivity at almost half price!

The Halloween Special is extended until the end of 2018! Order a BESA Research Complete or a BESA Research including Source Coherence / … [more]

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BESA YouTube and social update

BESA is now on Twitter! This latest social network addition was launched at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego, where our … [more]

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Halloween Special: Get Connectivity at almost half price!

Order a BESA Research Complete or a BESA Research including Source Coherence / Connectivity between now and 30th November 2018, and get the … [more]

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Meet BESA at SfN and AES

BESA will be present at the upcoming conference of the Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, CA, USA, from 3rd-7th November. Please come to … [more]

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Science is Wonder-ful! ChildBrain project presents its findings to general public

The EU-funded science project ChildBrain is due to present its research to the general public at the European Researcher’s night event in Brussels, … [more]

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BESA Research 7.0 June 2018 released!

BESA Research 7.0 June 2018 is a maintenance release for version 7.0 which was released earlier this year. It comes as a free … [more]

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Check out the BESA YouTube channel!

BESA is now on YouTube! Please check out our YouTube channel – simply go on YouTube and search for BESA GmbH. You will … [more]

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End of support of BESA Research 6.0

BESA Research 6.0 was first released in November 2012. The last update was launched in September 2014. It was then superseded by version … [more]

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