Conferences are happening again this year, with real people discussing science and health topics in real auditoriums! We are sooo looking forward to … [more]
Conferences are happening again this year, with real people discussing science and health topics in real auditoriums! We are sooo looking forward to … [more]
The use of beamforming in M/EEG source imaging has become more and more popular over the last years, with several improvements and various … [more]
Combined EEG-fMRI recordings pose several challenges for data analysis. Several large artifacts need to be handled in order to successfully recover the brain-related … [more]
While Santa went back to Lapland to enter his well-deserved 11-month break, others were busy: In the last few weeks, several publications with … [more]
Soapbox Science is a public outreach platform for promoting women and non-binary scientists and the science they do. Since its start 10 years … [more]
BESA offers many highly useful tools that facilitate analyzing your data further in MATLAB, or even to bring MATLAB-processed data back into BESA. … [more]
The Bayesian source estimation method “Sequential Semi-Analytic Monte-Carlo Estimation”, or in short SESAME, allows a largely un-biased dipole modelling approach to the inverse … [more]
Have you ever asked yourself why the BESA artifact correction is so incredibly good? Compared to other approaches, there is very little – … [more]
A new MATLAB script, available for free download, enables you to export your EEG data to Brainstorm after preprocessing in BESA for further … [more]
BESA has had a powerful interface to MATLAB for a long time. Now, on the one hand we have the ability of sending … [more]
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