Category Archives: Science

BESA conference schedule 2022

Conferences are happening again this year, with real people discussing science and health topics in real auditoriums! We are sooo looking forward to … [more]

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New Beamformer feature video on our YouTube channel

The use of beamforming in M/EEG source imaging has become more and more popular over the last years, with several improvements and various … [more]

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Here is a must-read if you want to analyze combined EEG-fMRI!

Combined EEG-fMRI recordings pose several challenges for data analysis. Several large artifacts need to be handled in order to successfully recover the brain-related … [more]

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BESA Science: New publications out!

While Santa went back to Lapland to enter his well-deserved 11-month break, others were busy: In the last few weeks, several publications with … [more]

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Soapbox Science – a science movement that BESA proudly supports

Soapbox Science is a public outreach platform for promoting women and non-binary scientists and the science they do. Since its start 10 years … [more]

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BESA is on GitHub! Get the latest BESA MATLAB scripts with explanations there!

BESA offers many highly useful tools that facilitate analyzing your data further in MATLAB, or even to bring MATLAB-processed data back into BESA. … [more]

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New publication describing next level in SESAME, the Bayesian source estimation method

The Bayesian source estimation method “Sequential Semi-Analytic Monte-Carlo Estimation”, or in short SESAME, allows a largely un-biased dipole modelling approach to the inverse … [more]

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Vintage publications that keep on shining: surrogate artifact modeling

Have you ever asked yourself why the BESA artifact correction is so incredibly good? Compared to other approaches, there is very little – … [more]

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New MATLAB script links BESA to Brainstorm

A new MATLAB script, available for free download, enables you to export your EEG data to Brainstorm after preprocessing in BESA for further … [more]

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BESA – MATLAB interaction: powerful new scripts available for free download

BESA has had a powerful interface to MATLAB for a long time. Now, on the one hand we have the ability of sending … [more]

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