We appreciate any kind of feedback on our software or the website. Below, please fill in our questionnaire on customer satisfaction (it should take no more than 2min) or send your comments to: feedback@besa.de.
1.) I am using BESA Research
Very oftenOftenSometimesRarelyNever
If answer is never, please state why:
2.) Overall, I think BESA Research is a good program that satisfies my needs.
Agree fullyAgreeDisagreeDisagree completely
3) BESA Research is user-friendly.
4) I have used BESA support.
5) I found BESA support helpful.
6) Data pre-processing offers all the features I require.
7) Source analysis offers all the features I require.
8) Time frequency analysis/Source coherence calculation offers all the features I require.
9) I have used the Matlab interface.
10) The Matlab interface is sufficient for my purposes.
11) This currently available feature/tool is most important to me:
12) This currently available feature / tool is least important to me:
13) Up to three suggestions to improve BESA Research:
Optional information
14) My profession is:
15) My research is on:
16) In my group ( --- ) more people also use BESA Research.
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17) What EEG/MEG system do you usually work with:
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