
Selected publications by customers


Ji Hye Han and Andrew Dimitrijevic: Acoustic change responses to amplitude modulation: a method to quantify cortical temporal processing and hemispheric asymmetry.
Front. Neurosci., 11 February 2015 | doi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00038


Roberts, T.P., et al., Artemis 123: development of a whole-head infant and young child MEG system. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 2014. 8, 99. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00099


Papadelis, C., et al., Can magnetoencephalography track the afferent information flow along white matter thalamo-cortical fibers? NeuroImage, 2012. 60(2): p. 1092-1105


Zhang, Y., et al., Neural coding of formant-exaggerated speech in the infant brain. Dev Sci, 2011. 14(3): p. 566-81.

Wu, H.C., et al., Gamma-oscillations modulated by picture naming and word reading: Intracranial recording in epileptic patients. Clin Neurophysiol, 2011.

Tsang, E.W., et al., Movement related potentials and oscillatory activities in the human internal globus pallidus during voluntary movements. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2011.

Silton, R.L., et al., Depression and anxious apprehension distinguish frontocingulate cortical activity during top-down attentional control. J Abnorm Psychol, 2011. 120(2): p. 272-85.

Roberts, T.P., et al., Auditory magnetic mismatch field latency: a biomarker for language impairment in autism. Biol Psychiatry, 2011. 70(3): p. 263-9.

Popov, T., et al., Specific cognitive training normalizes auditory sensory gating in schizophrenia: a randomized trial. Biol Psychiatry, 2011. 69(5): p. 465-71.

Pastotter, B., et al., Retrieval during learning facilitates subsequent memory encoding. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn, 2011. 37(2): p. 287-97.

Pastotter, B., F. Berchtold, and K.H. Bauml, Oscillatory correlates of controlled speed-accuracy tradeoff in a response-conflict task. Hum Brain Mapp, 2011.

Neumann, N., et al., Electromagnetic evidence of altered visual processing in autism. Neuropsychologia, 2011.

Nariai, H., et al., Statistical mapping of ictal high-frequency oscillations in epileptic spasms. Epilepsia, 2011. 52(1): p. 63-74.

Nagasawa, T., et al., Spontaneous and visually driven high-frequency oscillations in the occipital cortex: Intracranial recording in epileptic patients. Hum Brain Mapp, 2011.

Mangels, J.A., et al., Emotion blocks the path to learning under stereotype threat. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 2011.

Leminen, A., et al., Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Processing of Spoken Inflected and Derived Words: A Combined EEG and MEG Study. Front Hum Neurosci, 2011. 5: p. 66.

Khan, A., et al., Auditory event-related potentials show altered hemispheric responses in dyslexia. Neurosci Lett, 2011. 498(2): p. 127-32.

Hamalainen, J.A., S. Ortiz-Mantilla, and A.A. Benasich, Source localization of event-related potentials to pitch change mapped onto age-appropriate MRIs at 6 months of age. Neuroimage, 2011. 54(3): p. 1910-8.

Hamalainen, J.A., et al., N1, P2 and T-complex of the auditory brain event-related potentials to tones with varying rise times in adults with and without dyslexia. Int J Psychophysiol, 2011. 81(1): p. 51-9.

Goepel, J., et al., Medio-frontal and anterior temporal abnormalities in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) during an acoustic antisaccade task as revealed by electro-cortical source reconstruction. BMC Psychiatry, 2011. 11: p. 7.

Du, Y., et al., Human auditory cortex activity shows additive effects of spectral and spatial cues during speech segregation. Cereb Cortex, 2011. 21(3): p. 698-707.

Dimigen, O., et al., Coregistration of eye movements and EEG in natural reading: Analyses and review. J Exp Psychol Gen, 2011.

Dikker, S. and L. Pylkkanen, Before the N400: effects of lexical-semantic violations in visual cortex. Brain Lang, 2011. 118(1-2): p. 23-8.

Diaconescu, A.O., C. Alain, and A.R. McIntosh, Modality-dependent "what" and "where" preparatory processes in auditory and visual systems. J Cogn Neurosci, 2011. 23(7): p. 1609-23.

Bortoletto, M., J.B. Mattingley, and R. Cunnington, Action intentions modulate visual processing during action perception. Neuropsychologia, 2011. 49(7): p. 2097-104.

Bortoletto, M., M.J. Lemonis, and R. Cunnington, The role of arousal in the preparation for voluntary movement. Biol Psychol, 2011. 87(3): p. 372-8.

Bortoletto, M., A. Cook, and R. Cunnington, Motor timing and the preparation for sequential actions. Brain Cogn, 2011. 75(2): p. 196-204.

Ben-David, B.M., et al., Auditory evoked potentials dissociate rapid perceptual learning from task repetition without learning. Psychophysiology, 2011. 48(6): p. 797-807.

Bemis, D.K. and L. Pylkkanen, Simple composition: a magnetoencephalography investigation into the comprehension of minimal linguistic phrases. J Neurosci, 2011. 31(8): p. 2801-14.


Yeh, I.J., et al., Somatosensory evoked potentials recorded from the human pedunculopontine nucleus region. Mov Disord, 2010. 25(13): p. 2076-83.

Xi, J., et al., Categorical perception of lexical tones in Chinese revealed by mismatch negativity. Neuroscience, 2010. 170(1): p. 223-31.

Wannag, E., A.S. Eriksson, and P.G. Larsson, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and nocturnal epileptiform activity in children with epilepsy admitted to a national epilepsy center. Epilepsy Behav, 2010. 18(4): p. 445-9.

Tsang, E.W., et al., Involvement of the human pedunculopontine nucleus region in voluntary movements. Neurology, 2010. 75(11): p. 950-9.

Thampratankul, L., et al., Cortical gamma oscillations modulated by word association tasks: intracranial recording. Epilepsy Behav, 2010. 18(1-2): p. 116-8.

Stewart, J.L., et al., Attentional bias to negative emotion as a function of approach and withdrawal anger styles: an ERP investigation. Int J Psychophysiol, 2010. 76(1): p. 9-18.

Sokhadze, E., et al., Impaired Error Monitoring and Correction Function in Autism. J Neurother, 2010. 14(2): p. 79-95.

Snyder, J.S., A.C. Pasinski, and J.D. McAuley, Listening strategy for auditory rhythms modulates neural correlates of expectancy and cognitive processing. Psychophysiology, 2010.

Silton, R.L., et al., The time course of activity in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex during top-down attentional control. Neuroimage, 2010. 50(3): p. 1292-302.

Silas, J., et al., Sex and individual differences in induced and evoked EEG measures of action observation. Neuropsychologia, 2010. 48(9): p. 2417-26.

Shen, D. and C. Alain, Neuroelectric correlates of auditory attentional blink. Psychophysiology, 2010. 47(1): p. 184-91.

Sehatpour, P., et al., Impaired visual object processing across an occipital-frontal-hippocampal brain network in schizophrenia: an integrated neuroimaging study. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2010. 67(8): p. 772-82.

Sass, S.M., et al., Time course of attentional bias in anxiety: emotion and gender specificity. Psychophysiology, 2010. 47(2): p. 247-59.

Roberts, T.P., et al., MEG detection of delayed auditory evoked responses in autism spectrum disorders: towards an imaging biomarker for autism. Autism Res, 2010. 3(1): p. 8-18.

Pylkkanen, L. and K. Okano, The nature of abstract orthographic codes: evidence from masked priming and magnetoencephalography. PLoS One, 2010. 5(5): p. e10793.

Pylkkänen, L., J. Brennan, and D.K. Bemis, Grounding the Cognitive Neuroscience of Semantics in Linguistic Theory. Language and Cognitive Processes. 2010.

Praamstra, P. and D. Kourtis, An early parietal ERP component of the frontoparietal system: EDAN not = N2pc. Brain Res, 2010. 1317: p. 203-10.

Paul-Jordanov, I., M. Bechtold, and C. Gawrilow, Methylphenidate and if-then plans are comparable in modulating the P300 and increasing response inhibition in children with ADHD. Atten Defic Hyperact Disord, 2010. 2(3): p. 115-26.

Pastotter, B., S. Hanslmayr, and K.H. Bauml, Conflict processing in the anterior cingulate cortex constrains response priming. Neuroimage, 2010. 50(4): p. 1599-605.

Ortiz-Mantilla, S., et al., Involuntary switching of attention mediates differences in event-related responses to complex tones between early and late Spanish-English bilinguals. Brain Res, 2010. 1362: p. 78-92.

Neumann, N., et al., The mind of the mnemonists: an MEG and neuropsychological study of autistic memory savants. Behav Brain Res, 2010. 215(1): p. 114-21.

Nagasawa, T., et al., Cortical gamma-oscillations modulated by visuomotor tasks: Intracranial recording in patients with epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav, 2010. 18(3): p. 254-61.

Nagasawa, T., et al., Cortical gamma-oscillations modulated by auditory-motor tasks-intracranial recording in patients with epilepsy. Hum Brain Mapp, 2010. 31(11): p. 1627-42.

Morgan, H.M., et al., Neural signatures of stimulus features in visual working memory–a spatiotemporal approach. Cereb Cortex, 2010. 20(1): p. 187-97.

Mangels, J.A., A. Manzi, and C. Summerfield, The first does the work, but the third time’s the charm: the effects of massed repetition on episodic encoding of multimodal face-name associations. J Cogn Neurosci, 2010. 22(3): p. 457-73.

Lipp, R., et al., Concurrent sound segregation based on inharmonicity and onset asynchrony. Neuropsychologia, 2010. 48(5): p. 1417-25.

Leminen, A., M.M. Leminen, and C.M. Krause, Time course of the neural processing of spoken derived words: an event-related potential study. Neuroreport, 2010. 21(14): p. 948-52.

Leirer, V.M., et al., Hippocampal activity during the transverse patterning task declines with cognitive competence but not with age. BMC Neurosci, 2010. 11: p. 113.

Larsson, P.G., et al., Do sleep-deprived EEG recordings reflect spike index as found in full-night EEG recordings? Epilepsy Behav, 2010. 19(3): p. 348-51.

Larsson, P.G., et al., Decrease in propagation of interictal epileptiform activity after introduction of levetiracetam visualized with electric source imaging. Brain Topogr, 2010. 23(3): p. 269-78.

Koga, S., et al., Electrocorticographic correlates of cognitive control in a stroop task-intracranial recording in epileptic patients. Hum Brain Mapp, 2010.

Gandal, M.J., et al., Validating gamma oscillations and delayed auditory responses as translational biomarkers of autism. Biol Psychiatry, 2010. 68(12): p. 1100-6.

Fukuda, M., et al., Cortical gamma-oscillations modulated by listening and overt repetition of phonemes. Neuroimage, 2010. 49(3): p. 2735-45.

Fukuda, M., et al., Somatosensory-related gamma-, beta- and alpha-augmentation precedes alpha- and beta-attenuation in humans. Clin Neurophysiol, 2010. 121(3): p. 366-75.

Dikker, S., et al., Early occipital sensitivity to syntactic category is based on form typicality. Psychol Sci, 2010. 21(5): p. 629-34.

Brennan, J. and L. Pylkkänen, Processing Psych Verbs: Behavioral and MEG Measures of Two Different Types of Semantic Complexity. . Language and Cognitive Processes, 2010. 25 (6): p. 77-807.

Bachmann, S., et al., MEG does not reveal impaired sensory gating in first-episode schizophrenia. Schizophr Res, 2010. 121(1-3): p. 131-8.


Rodin E, Constantino T, Rampp S, Wong PK, Spikes and epilepsy. Clin EEG Neurosci. 2009. 40(4): p. 288-99.

Funke M, Constantino T, Van Orman C, Rodin E, Magnetoencephalography and magnetic source imaging in epilepsy. Clin EEG Neurosci. 2009. 40(4): p. 271-80.

Zweig, E. and L. Pylkkänen, A visual M170 effect of morphological complexity. Language and Cognitive Processes, 2009. 24: p. 412 – 439.

Zendel, B.R. and C. Alain, Concurrent sound segregation is enhanced in musicians. J Cogn Neurosci, 2009. 21(8): p. 1488-98.

van Wijk, B.C., et al., A role of beta oscillatory synchrony in biasing response competition? Cereb Cortex, 2009. 19(6): p. 1294-302.

Snyder, J.S., et al., Effects of prior stimulus and prior perception on neural correlates of auditory stream segregation. Psychophysiology, 2009. 46(6): p. 1208-15.

Schlee, W., et al., Abnormal resting-state cortical coupling in chronic tinnitus. BMC Neurosci, 2009. 10: p. 11.

Roberts, T.P., et al., Developmental correlation of diffusion anisotropy with auditory-evoked response. Neuroreport, 2009. 20(18): p. 1586-91.

Pylkkänen, L., B. Oliveri, and A. Smart, Semantics vs. World Knowledge in Prefrontal Cortex. . Language and Cognitive Processes, 2009. 24: p. 1313-1334.

Pylkkanen, L., et al., The Anterior Midline Field: coercion or decision making? Brain Lang, 2009. 108(3): p. 184-90.

Praamstra, P., D. Kourtis, and K. Nazarpour, Simultaneous preparation of multiple potential movements: opposing effects of spatial proximity mediated by premotor and parietal cortex. J Neurophysiol, 2009. 102(4): p. 2084-95.

Nishida, M., S. Sood, and E. Asano, In-vivo animation of midazolam-induced electrocorticographic changes in humans. J Neurol Sci, 2009. 287(1-2): p. 151-8.

Murphy, J.S., et al., High-resolution ERP mapping of cortical activation related to implicit object-location memory. Biol Psychol, 2009. 82(3): p. 234-45.

Modur, P.N. and M. Scherg, Intracranial broadband EEG analysis and surgical outcome: case report. Clin Neurophysiol, 2009. 120(6): p. 1220-4.

Larsson, P.G., J. Wilson, and O. Eeg-Olofsson, A new method for quantification and assessment of epileptiform activity in EEG with special reference to focal nocturnal epileptiform activity. Brain Topogr, 2009. 22(1): p. 52-9.

Larson, M.J., D.A. Kaufman, and W.M. Perlstein, Neural time course of conflict adaptation effects on the Stroop task. Neuropsychologia, 2009. 47(3): p. 663-70.

Larson, M.J., D.A. Kaufman, and W.M. Perlstein, Conflict adaptation and cognitive control adjustments following traumatic brain injury. J Int Neuropsychol Soc, 2009. 15(6): p. 927-37.

Jung, P., et al., Structural and functional asymmetry in the human parietal opercular cortex. J Neurophysiol, 2009. 101(6): p. 3246-57.

Jemel, B., et al., From upright to upside-down presentation: a spatio-temporal ERP study of the parametric effect of rotation on face and house processing. BMC Neurosci, 2009. 10: p. 100.

Gilboa, A., et al., Ventromedial prefrontal cortex lesions produce early functional alterations during remote memory retrieval. J Neurosci, 2009. 29(15): p. 4871-81.

Dimigen, O., et al., Human microsaccade-related visual brain responses. J Neurosci, 2009. 29(39): p. 12321-31.

Dikker, S., H. Rabagliati, and L. Pylkkanen, Sensitivity to syntax in visual cortex. Cognition, 2009. 110(3): p. 293-321.

Asano, E., et al., Differential visually-induced gamma-oscillations in human cerebral cortex. Neuroimage, 2009. 45(2): p. 477-89.

Alain, C., et al., Noise-induced increase in human auditory evoked neuromagnetic fields. Eur J Neurosci, 2009. 30(1): p. 132-42.

Alain, C., et al., Spatiotemporal analysis of auditory "what" and "where" working memory. Cereb Cortex, 2009. 19(2): p. 305-14.


Rodin E, Modur P, Ictal intracranial infraslow EEG activity. Clin Neurophysiol. 2008. 119(10): p. 2188-200.

Rodin E, Constantino T, van Orman C, House P, EEG infraslow activity in absence and partial seizures. Clin EEG Neurosci. 2008. 39(1): p. 12-9.

Vanhatalo, S., M. Metsaranta, and S. Andersson, High-fidelity recording of brain activity in the extremely preterm babies: feasibility study in the incubator. Clin Neurophysiol, 2008. 119(2): p. 439-45.

Sussman, E., et al., The maturation of human evoked brain potentials to sounds presented at different stimulus rates. Hear Res, 2008. 236(1-2): p. 61-79.

Strobel, A., et al., Novelty and target processing during an auditory novelty oddball: a simultaneous event-related potential and functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroimage, 2008. 40(2): p. 869-83.

Sehatpour, P., et al., A human intracranial study of long-range oscillatory coherence across a frontal-occipital-hippocampal brain network during visual object processing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2008. 105(11): p. 4399-404.

Scott, L.S., et al., The role of category learning in the acquisition and retention of perceptual expertise: a behavioral and neurophysiological study. Brain Res, 2008. 1210: p. 204-15.

Schlee, W., et al., Using auditory steady state responses to outline the functional connectivity in the tinnitus brain. PLoS One, 2008. 3(11): p. e3720.

Roberts, T.P., et al., Electrophysiological signatures: magnetoencephalographic studies of the neural correlates of language impairment in autism spectrum disorders. Int J Psychophysiol, 2008. 68(2): p. 149-60.

Pastotter, B., S. Hanslmayr, and K.H. Bauml, Inhibition of return arises from inhibition of response processes: an analysis of oscillatory beta activity. J Cogn Neurosci, 2008. 20(1): p. 65-75.

Pastotter, B., K.H. Bauml, and S. Hanslmayr, Oscillatory brain activity before and after an internal context change–evidence for a reset of encoding processes. Neuroimage, 2008. 43(1): p. 173-81.

Nishida, M., et al., Cortical glucose metabolism positively correlates with gamma-oscillations in nonlesional focal epilepsy. Neuroimage, 2008. 42(4): p. 1275-84.

Kourtis, D., E. Seiss, and P. Praamstra, Movement-related changes in cortical excitability: a steady-state SEP approach. Brain Res, 2008. 1244: p. 113-20.

Kourtis, D., et al., Maintaining grip: anticipatory and reactive EEG responses to load perturbations. J Neurophysiol, 2008. 99(2): p. 545-53.

Jung, P., et al., Hemispheric asymmetry of hand representation in human primary somatosensory cortex and handedness. Clin Neurophysiol, 2008. 119(11): p. 2579-86.

Joerger, T.M. and J.A. Mangels, Neural correlates of false memory disqualification by true recollection of feedback. Neuroreport, 2008. 19(17): p. 1695-8.

Harris, J., et al., The cost of question concealment: eye-tracking and MEG evidence. Brain Lang, 2008. 107(1): p. 44-61.

Hamalainen, J.A., et al., Event-related potentials to pitch and rise time change in children with reading disabilities and typically reading children. Clin Neurophysiol, 2008. 119(1): p. 100-15.

Fukuda, M., et al., Short-latency median-nerve somatosensory-evoked potentials and induced gamma-oscillations in humans. Brain, 2008. 131(Pt 7): p. 1793-805.

Edgar, J.C., et al., Superior temporal gyrus spectral abnormalities in schizophrenia. Psychophysiology, 2008. 45(5): p. 812-24.

Brown, E.C., et al., In vivo animation of auditory-language-induced gamma-oscillations in children with intractable focal epilepsy. Neuroimage, 2008. 41(3): p. 1120-31.

Brodeur, M., et al., Alternative mode of presentation of Kanizsa figures sheds new light on the chronometry of the mechanisms underlying the perception of illusory figures. Neuropsychologia, 2008. 46(2): p. 554-66.

Alain, C. and J.S. Snyder, Age-related differences in auditory evoked responses during rapid perceptual learning. Clin Neurophysiol, 2008. 119(2): p. 356-66.


Stern, E.R., et al., Preparatory neural activity predicts performance on a conflict task. Brain Res, 2007. 1176: p. 92-102.

Snyder, J.S. and C. Alain, Sequential auditory scene analysis is preserved in normal aging adults. Cereb Cortex, 2007. 17(3): p. 501-12.

Siniatchkin, M., et al., Spatial filters and automated spike detection based on brain topographies improve sensitivity of EEG-fMRI studies in focal epilepsy. Neuroimage, 2007. 37(3): p. 834-43.

Shahin, A.J., et al., Sensitivity of EEG and MEG to the N1 and P2 auditory evoked responses modulated by spectral complexity of sounds. Brain Topogr, 2007. 20(2): p. 55-61.

Saint-Amour, D., et al., Seeing voices: High-density electrical mapping and source-analysis of the multisensory mismatch negativity evoked during the McGurk illusion. Neuropsychologia, 2007. 45(3): p. 587-97.

Pylkkanen, L. and B. McElree, An MEG study of silent meaning. J Cogn Neurosci, 2007. 19(11): p. 1905-21.

Praamstra, P. and P. Pope, Slow brain potential and oscillatory EEG manifestations of impaired temporal preparation in Parkinson’s disease. J Neurophysiol, 2007. 98(5): p. 2848-57.

Pope, P.A., et al., Cortical control of muscle relaxation: a lateralized readiness potential (LRP) investigation. Clin Neurophysiol, 2007. 118(5): p. 1044-52.

Paul, I., et al., If-then planning modulates the P300 in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neuroreport, 2007. 18(7): p. 653-7.

Mnatsakanian, E.V. and I.M. Tarkka, Spatio-temporal modeling of evoked brain activity during memory encoding and target comparison in visual tasks. Brain Topogr, 2007. 20(1): p. 21-30.

Miller, J.W., et al., Ictal localization by source analysis of infraslow activity in DC-coupled scalp EEG recordings. Neuroimage, 2007. 35(2): p. 583-97.

Litvak, V., et al., Artifact correction and source analysis of early electroencephalographic responses evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation over primary motor cortex. Neuroimage, 2007. 37(1): p. 56-70.

Lai, G. and J.A. Mangels, Cueing effects on semantic and perceptual categorization: ERPs reveal differential effects of validity as a function of processing stage. Neuropsychologia, 2007. 45(9): p. 2038-50.

Ladouceur, C.D., R.E. Dahl, and C.S. Carter, Development of action monitoring through adolescence into adulthood: ERP and source localization. Dev Sci, 2007. 10(6): p. 874-91.

Kwon, O.Y., et al., Source localization of triphasic waves: implications for the pathophysiological mechanism. Clin EEG Neurosci, 2007. 38(3): p. 161-7.

Hamalainen, J.A., et al., N1 and P2 components of auditory event-related potentials in children with and without reading disabilities. Clin Neurophysiol, 2007. 118(10): p. 2263-75.

Gutschalk, A., et al., The effect of temporal context on the sustained pitch response in human auditory cortex. Cereb Cortex, 2007. 17(3): p. 552-61.

Boor, R., et al., Combined spike-related functional MRI and multiple source analysis in the non-invasive spike localization of benign rolandic epilepsy. Clin Neurophysiol, 2007. 118(4): p. 901-9.

Bast, T., et al., Combined EEG and MEG analysis of early somatosensory evoked activity in children and adolescents with focal epilepsies. Clin Neurophysiol, 2007. 118(8): p. 1721-35.

Alain, C. and K.L. McDonald, Age-related differences in neuromagnetic brain activity underlying concurrent sound perception. J Neurosci, 2007. 27(6): p. 1308-14.


Wienbruch, C., et al., Frequency organization of the 40-Hz auditory steady-state response in normal hearing and in tinnitus. Neuroimage, 2006. 33(1): p. 180-94.

Rodin E, Constantino T, van Orman C, Funke M, Devinsky O, Wong P, McIntyre H, Swartz B, Optimal evaluation of digital electroencephalograms. Clin EEG Neurosci. 2006. 37(3): p. 178-89.

Rodin E, Funke M, Cerebral electromagnetic activity in the subdelta range. J Clin Neurophysiol. 2006. 23(3): p. 238-44.

Verleger, R., et al., On the relation of movement-related potentials to the go/no-go effect on P3. Biol Psychol, 2006. 73(3): p. 298-313.

Vanhatalo, S. and K. Kaila, Development of neonatal EEG activity: from phenomenology to physiology. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med, 2006. 11(6): p. 471-8.

van der Lubbe, R.H., et al., Spatiotemporal overlap between brain activation related to saccade preparation and attentional orienting. Brain Res, 2006. 1072(1): p. 133-52.

Sussman, E. and M. Steinschneider, Neurophysiological evidence for context-dependent encoding of sensory input in human auditory cortex. Brain Res, 2006. 1075(1): p. 165-74.

Summerfield, C. and J.A. Mangels, Dissociable neural mechanisms for encoding predictable and unpredictable events. J Cogn Neurosci, 2006. 18(7): p. 1120-32.

Stern, E.R. and J.A. Mangels, An electrophysiological investigation of preparatory attentional control in a spatial Stroop task. J Cogn Neurosci, 2006. 18(6): p. 1004-17.

Soldan, A., J.A. Mangels, and L.A. Cooper, Evaluating models of object-decision priming: evidence from event-related potential repetition effects. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn, 2006. 32(2): p. 230-48.

Snyder, J.S., C. Alain, and T.W. Picton, Effects of attention on neuroelectric correlates of auditory stream segregation. J Cogn Neurosci, 2006. 18(1): p. 1-13.

Shahin, A.J., C. Alain, and T.W. Picton, Scalp topography and intracerebral sources for ERPs recorded during auditory target detection. Brain Topogr, 2006. 19(1-2): p. 89-105.

Sehatpour, P., et al., Spatiotemporal dynamics of human object recognition processing: an integrated high-density electrical mapping and functional imaging study of "closure" processes. Neuroimage, 2006. 29(2): p. 605-18.

Scott, L.S., et al., A reevaluation of the electrophysiological correlates of expert object processing. J Cogn Neurosci, 2006. 18(9): p. 1453-65.

Ramantani, G., et al., MEG versus EEG: influence of background activity on interictal spike detection. J Clin Neurophysiol, 2006. 23(6): p. 498-508.

Pylkkanen, L., R. Llinas, and G.L. Murphy, The representation of polysemy: MEG evidence. J Cogn Neurosci, 2006. 18(1): p. 97-109.

Praamstra, P., et al., Neurophysiology of implicit timing in serial choice reaction-time performance. J Neurosci, 2006. 26(20): p. 5448-55.

Praamstra, P., Prior information of stimulus location: effects on ERP measures of visual selection and response selection. Brain Res, 2006. 1072(1): p. 153-60.

Perlstein, W.M., et al., Temporal dissociation of components of cognitive control dysfunction in severe TBI: ERPs and the cued-Stroop task. Neuropsychologia, 2006. 44(2): p. 260-74.

Mangels, J.A., et al., Why do beliefs about intelligence influence learning success? A social cognitive neuroscience model. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 2006. 1(2): p. 75-86.

Ladouceur, C.D., et al., Increased error-related negativity (ERN) in childhood anxiety disorders: ERP and source localization. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 2006. 47(10): p. 1073-82.

Bledowski, C., et al., Mental chronometry of working memory retrieval: a combined functional magnetic resonance imaging and event-related potentials approach. J Neurosci, 2006. 26(3): p. 821-9.

Bast, T., et al., Noninvasive source localization of interictal EEG spikes: effects of signal-to-noise ratio and averaging. J Clin Neurophysiol, 2006. 23(6): p. 487-97.


Vanhatalo, S., J. Voipio, and K. Kaila, Full-band EEG (FbEEG): an emerging standard in electroencephalography. Clin Neurophysiol, 2005. 116(1): p. 1-8.

Rodin E, Funke M, Haueisen J, Cardio-respiratory contributions to the magnetoencephalogram. Brain Topogr. 2005. 18(1): p. 37-46.

Sussman, E.S. and V. Gumenyuk, Organization of sequential sounds in auditory memory. Neuroreport, 2005. 16(13): p. 1519-23.

Summerfield, C. and J.A. Mangels, Functional coupling between frontal and parietal lobes during recognition memory. Neuroreport, 2005. 16(2): p. 117-22.

Summerfield, C. and J.A. Mangels, Coherent theta-band EEG activity predicts item-context binding during encoding. Neuroimage, 2005. 24(3): p. 692-703.

Stancak, A., et al., EEG source analysis and fMRI reveal two electrical sources in the fronto-parietal operculum during subepidermal finger stimulation. Neuroimage, 2005. 25(1): p. 8-20.

Snyder, J.S. and C. Alain, Age-related changes in neural activity associated with concurrent vowel segregation. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res, 2005. 24(3): p. 492-9.

Schneider, P., et al., Structural and functional asymmetry of lateral Heschl’s gyrus reflects pitch perception preference. Nat Neurosci, 2005. 8(9): p. 1241-7.

Praamstra, P. and E. Seiss, The neurophysiology of response competition: motor cortex activation and inhibition following subliminal response priming. J Cogn Neurosci, 2005. 17(3): p. 483-93.

Praamstra, P., L. Boutsen, and G.W. Humphreys, Frontoparietal control of spatial attention and motor intention in human EEG. J Neurophysiol, 2005. 94(1): p. 764-74.

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