Publications by BESA Staff


Publications by Patrick Berg 1-10

1. Gilmore, C.S., B.A. Clementz, and P. Berg, Hemispheric differences in auditory oddball responses during monaural versus binaural stimulation. Int J Psychophysiol, 2009. 73(3): p. 326-33.

2. McDowell, J.E., et al., Electroencephalography/magnetoencephalography study of cortical activities preceding prosaccades and antisaccades. Neuroreport, 2005. 16(7): p. 663-8.

3. Dien, J., D.J. Beal, and P. Berg, Optimizing principal components analysis of event-related potentials: matrix type, factor loading weighting, extraction, and rotations. Clin Neurophysiol, 2005. 116(8): p. 1808-25.

4. Weisz, N., et al., Abnormal auditory mismatch response in tinnitus sufferers with high-frequency hearing loss is associated with subjective distress level. BMC Neurosci, 2004. 5: p. 8.

5. Rodin, E., et al., Magnetoencephalographic spikes not detected by conventional electroencephalography. Clin Neurophysiol, 2004. 115(9): p. 2041-7.

6. Hoechstetter, K., et al., BESA source coherence: a new method to study cortical oscillatory coupling. Brain Topogr, 2004. 16(4): p. 233-8.

7. Hensel, S., et al., Left-hemispheric abnormal EEG activity in relation to impairment and recovery in aphasic patients. Psychophysiology, 2004. 41(3): p. 394-400.

8. Scherg, M., et al., Advanced tools for digital EEG review: virtual source montages, whole-head mapping, correlation, and phase analysis. J Clin Neurophysiol, 2002. 19(2): p. 91-112.

9. Ille, N., P. Berg, and M. Scherg, Artifact correction of the ongoing EEG using spatial filters based on artifact and brain signal topographies. J Clin Neurophysiol, 2002. 19(2): p. 113-24.

10. Dobel, C., et al., Slow event-related brain activity of aphasic patients and controls in word comprehension and rhyming tasks. Psychophysiology, 2002. 39(6): p. 747-58.

Publications by Patrick Berg 11-20

11. Klein, C. and P. Berg, Four-week test-retest stability of individual differences in the saccadic CNV, two saccadic task parameters, and selected neuropsychological tests. Psychophysiology, 2001. 38(4): p. 704-11.

12. Hoechstetter, K., et al., Interaction of tactile input in the human primary and secondary somatosensory cortex–a magnetoencephalographic study. Neuroimage, 2001. 14(3): p. 759-67.

13. Picton, T.W., et al., The correction of ocular artifacts: a topographic perspective. Clin Neurophysiol, 2000. 111(1): p. 53-65.

14. Picton, T.W., et al., Guidelines for using human event-related potentials to study cognition: recording standards and publication criteria. Psychophysiology, 2000. 37(2): p. 127-52.

15. Klein, C., et al., Impaired modulation of the saccadic contingent negative variation preceding antisaccades in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry, 2000. 47(11): p. 978-90.

16. Hoechstetter, K., et al., Magnetic source imaging of tactile input shows task-independent attention effects in SII. Neuroreport, 2000. 11(11): p. 2461-5.

17. Wang, Y., P. Berg, and M. Scherg, Common spatial subspace decomposition applied to analysis of brain responses under multiple task conditions: a simulation study. Clin Neurophysiol, 1999. 110(4): p. 604-14.

18. Scherg, M., T. Bast, and P. Berg, Multiple source analysis of interictal spikes: goals, requirements, and clinical value. J Clin Neurophysiol, 1999. 16(3): p. 214-24.

19. Low, A., et al., Determining working memory from ERP topography. Brain Topogr, 1999. 12(1): p. 39-47.

20. Berg, P., et al., Source modelling of the EEG and MEG oddball response in a subject with a large P300. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl, 1999. 49: p. 189-93.

Publications by Patrick Berg 21-30

21. Klein, C., et al., Topography of CNV and PINV in schizotypal personality. Psychophysiology, 1998. 35(3): p. 272-82.

22. Rockstroh, B., et al., The postimperative negative variation following ambiguous matching of auditory stimuli. Int J Psychophysiol, 1997. 25(2): p. 155-67.

23. Junghofer, M., et al., Mapping EEG-potentials on the surface of the brain: a strategy for uncovering cortical sources. Brain Topogr, 1997. 9(3): p. 203-17.

24. Hoshiyama, M., et al., Identification of motor and sensory brain activities during unilateral finger movement: spatiotemporal source analysis of movement-associated magnetic fields. Exp Brain Res, 1997. 115(1): p. 6-14.

25. Scherg, M. and P. Berg, New concepts of brain source imaging and localization. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl, 1996. 46: p. 127-37.

26. Klein, C., et al., Contingent negative variation (CNV) and determinants of the post-imperative negative variation (PINV) in schizophrenic patients and healthy controls. Schizophr Res, 1996.
21(2): p. 97-110.

27. Buchner, H., et al., Source analysis of median nerve and finger stimulated somatosensory evoked potentials: multichannel simultaneous recording of electric and magnetic fields combined with 3D-MR tomography. Brain Topogr, 1994. 6(4): p. 299-310.

28. Berg, P. and M. Scherg, A fast method for forward computation of multiple-shell spherical head models. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol, 1994. 90(1): p. 58-64.

29. Berg, P. and M. Scherg, A multiple source approach to the correction of eye artifacts. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol, 1994. 90(3): p. 229-41.

30. Lins, O.G., et al., Ocular artifacts in recording EEGs and event-related potentials. II: Source dipoles and source components. Brain Topogr, 1993. 6(1): p. 65-78.

Publications by Patrick Berg 31-38

31. Heuser-Link, M., et al., Eyeblinks evoke potentials in the occipital brain region. Neurosci Lett, 1992. 143(1-2): p. 31-4.

32. Elbert, T., et al., Physical aspects of the EEG in schizophrenics. Biol Psychiatry, 1992. 32(7): p. 595-606.

33. Verleger, R. and P. Berg, The waltzing oddball. Psychophysiology, 1991. 28(4): p. 468-77.

34. Scherg, M. and P. Berg, Use of prior knowledge in brain electromagnetic source analysis. Brain Topogr, 1991. 4(2): p. 143-50.

35. Mattes, R., et al., Slow cortical potentials (SCPS) in schizophrenic patients during performance of the Wisconsin card-sorting test (WCST). Neuropsychologia, 1991. 29(2): p. 195-205.

36. Berg, P. and M. Scherg, Dipole modelling of eye activity and its application to the removal of eye artefacts from the EEG and MEG. Clin Phys Physiol Meas, 1991. 12 Suppl A: p. 49-54.

37. Berg, P. and M.B. Davies, Eyeblink-related potentials. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol, 1988. 69(1): p. 1-5.

38. Berg, P., The residual after correcting event-related potentials for blink artifacts. Psychophysiology, 1986. 23(3): p. 354-64.


  • Publications by BESA Staff

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